Sunday, 19 February 2012

a new week, a better week?

So today its monday, normally like the rest of the human race i gate mondays, today i am glad its monday. Cause boy i have had the weekend from hell, as you have probably guessed Sam as been a nightmare again, ive had shoes thrown at me, been punched, contents of my house thrown around and a 4 year old with a willpower of steel when it comes to going to bed. Add to the mix that its my weekend to have the stepchildren and my daughter decided to tell me she had to make a rainforest on friday , you get a very stressed, busy and full to the brim household. Sam kicking off was the last thing i needed. It got me to thinking when i get 'skinny' will i do another blog? the options are endless , 'life of a stepmother' or 'life being beaten by your 4 year old and the proffessionals wont listen'. So i guess you can kind of figure why monday came as a blessed relief. I am also nervous and excited about tuesday, tuesday being the results of the new diet i am trying. I cant wait to see the results, yet i am also nervous incase it isnt the result i want. What if i have been doing the diet wrong? What if i put on???? Im also nervous about being weighed in the evening, i normally weigh myself butt naked first thing in the morning after a wee and poo if im lucky. However being weighed of an evening means i will have been eating all day, i will be dressed and i know that my body weighs less in the morning, ive even considered not eating till after ive been weighed.... however for a foodie like me this just wouldnt be an option. God i hope ive found the answer this time, then my weight will be one less thing for me to worry about xxx

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