Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Gastric bands and me

Now its seems that almost everyone is having gastric bands put in to help them loose weight, and for a little while i too considered it, so what changed my mind? Well first of all even tho im obese im not considered fat enough to have a band-this i find very amusing! It must be the only time in my life ive ever been told that im 'underweight'! But its more than that for me, i dont want the choice of food to be taken away from me, sad isnt it that im so addicted that i cant bear the thought of never being able to eat properly again. Then there is all the horror stories of it going wrong, what would my kids prefer? A fat alive mum or a skinny dead one?
I dont think that i need a op to get me thin, remember i have lost all my weight before so somewhere deep inside i must have the willpower to carry on the hard way, plus i really honestly believe that you can give yourself a 'natural band'. Sounds strange i know but last time i lost weight i was about 5 stone down and had been dieting for nearly a year when some of my friends from work and myself decided to go out for lunch. We decided on taybarns, a place where almost every food is on offer and you can eat as much as you like, i was so excited! I was going to go for it big time- and i did. I went up time and time again and even tho my stomach was telling me i was full i kept shovelling that food in, the result? I was sick as a dog, i have never felt so bad in all my life, i even had to ring my friend to pick my kids up from school. So i truely believe that you can train your body to only accept too much food, where i went wrong was i kept pushing the limit untill my stomach capacity grew once more. So whose to say i wouldnt find a way to cheat the band? To me weightloss is mostly in the head, its my relationship with food, I see it as a treat not as fuel, so for me personally a gastric band is out, hypnosis however i might consider...............xxx

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