Saturday, 24 December 2011

Life of an Overeater-christmas indulgence

Its christmas eve! im so excited possibly more so than the kids! Got loads to do today but thought i would give me my daily update first along with my christmas plans for food! Needless to say there wont be a blog tomorrow cause i will be too busy stuffing the hole in my face, the only day of the year when it is acceptable to do this and not be frowned upon. So here's my plan cause after christmas day i plan to really fight the flab. Have you ever eaten something and then that night been sick as a dog? it probably had nothing at all to do with the food and was just unlucky that you picked up a bug, but my point is that you associate the last thing you ate with the sickness. I remember years ago i ate sweet and sour chicken and that night was sick as a dog, for years i didnt eat sweet and sour chicken. The mere thought of it turned my stomach and made me believe i was going to be ill. So heres my plan this christmas, i am going to indulge myself completly, feed my sweet tooth till it cant take no more and then hopefully by boxing day i am going to be sick of chocolate and sugary treats, the mere thought of it will remind me of how uncomfortable, fat and bloated i felt and therefore put me off chocolate for the coming year....... heck who am i kidding! I know it probably wont work but hell it will be fun trying! So rest safe in the knowledge that tomorrow i can be as reckless as i like, no work trousers on monday, no need to go out and possibly be the fat girl that falls,all is well with the world and until monday i can be myself for one last day xx merry christmas to you all have a wonderful day and love to you and your families, il see you boxing day when things get hard xx

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