Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Sugar Slump

Have you ever noticed that if you eat a big meal the night before you always wake up starving, but if you only eat light you dont noticed the hunger pains so much? Just another weird thing about dieting. Today I am starving! I have my meals all planned out and a exercise routine in place, but already i am struggling! Last night i had a dream that i gave birth to another baby (dont worry there is no chance)but apparently dreaming of giving birth means a new start. So i woke up bleary but determined, stumbles down the stairs to put on the kettle, bypassed the biscuits, stopped my hands from grabbing a spoon to finish off the left over gateaux and managed to make myself a cuppa without drooling over the half eaten toblerone on the side. Wow i am so proud of myself that was easier than i thought, so onwards to the lounge to get my morning fix of facebook only to be faced with a open tub of celebrations! Scrap that this aint easy at all! there is literally goodies strategically placed all over the place for me to avoid. Its like a obstacle course of good versus evil and if i trip or stumble i might accidently fall face first into a tub of chocolate, and trust me we dont want that to happen do we? I sat there for a full half hour reading status updates, looking at pictures and trying so god damn hard to not touch those chocolates. It werent working, i ate a chocolate! a galaxy caramel one :( thats at least 30 minutes on the wii or a big poo! so I took the chocolates away and hid them ( yeah smart move Julie cause if you hide them you wont remember where you put them! duh!) then got out my painting to try and finish the eiffel tower. All i could think about was chocolate, i am proper suffering with a sugar slump! You know that horrible feeling when you crave something sweet and you literally think your going to get the shakes! Well trust me Im not quite that bad but I do know that come tonight I am going to be a very grumpy girl, plus i cant drink the wkds in the fridge so watch out world this bitch is on a sugar slump, and poor john is going to have to refrain himself from shoving a snickers in my mouth to shut me the god damn up, wish me luck guys xx

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