Right so I figure if I am finally going to beat this thing and get where I want to be in life I also have to plurge my head as well as my calorie intake. I promised to be honest and that doesnt mean right now in my life it also means my past blunders, mistakes and terrible things i have done and if im honest will probably continue to do cause hey i never said i was perfect!
So confession number 1 and this one as been playing on my mind since I was about 14ish! So im 14 and I have a younger sister im guessing she would about 7, its nearly christmas and we both have an advent calendar, i cant remember what mine was but my sisters was a 'celebrations' one. One day alone in the house my eyes, belly and possibly even my thighs spy this calendar and before i know it im carefully opening a door, it was a galaxy truffle one and i took that as a sign this was meant to be i love those ones! So i ATE it! I stole my little sisters advent calendar chocolate and i then proceeded to eat another 5! Once my chocolate high had passed I felt so guilty, being fat is one thing being a fat chocolate stealer is quite another! So i went round the shop and bought a box of celebrations to replace the missing ones. So my sister until this moment was never none the wiser or she might have thought it weird that she never had a yacky bounty one that year :/ See even fatties have a heart and a conscience, although while we are being honest i replaced the said 5 chocolates then ate the rest of the box myself .....purely to destroy the evidence you understand!
Confession number 2! Earlier this year I decided to be brave and go swimming something I havent done in a long time, but i figured i need the exercise and there all for saving the whales right? So i bought the most figure covering bather i could find and egged on by my mate decided to try and slip un noticed in the water. It went great I did 40 lengths and was so proud of myself, underwater nobody can see if your boobs flop under your armpits right? Then we got out.... My mate suggested we go sit in the jaquzzi for a little while so we walked over me still trying to suck in my stomach and look non descript when i missed a step and went splashing into the water shouting a massive ARRGGHHH as i did so (my mouth unfortuantly even gives my belly a run for its money on size). The whole pool just stopped and stared to see what was causing this local tsuanmi as the water sprayed over the sides. I swore my mate to secrecy and never mention the 'clumsy fat moment' again, but i have to say that when i went again the next time im sure everyone wore goggles......
So there you are im not perfect, I do stupid things and im clumsy but im still me the girl that wont give up xx
p.s last year i also ate my bf chocolate out of his stocking and no i didnt replace that one ...........xx
I dont know how you write so honestly - i would have left my sister in the dark!! Although i have topped up my sons sweet tin more times than i ca remember after pinching things out of it!